lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

vocabulario 5º primaria

Coma sempre, empezamos o tema copiando o vocabulario na libreta, na parte de vocabulario e estudámolo con interese.Despois xa podemos facer as actividades do classbook page 70-71.

ORDINAL NUMBERS: números ordinais (escribimos as dúas últimas letras do nome ao lado de cada número.)
1st first: primeiro
2nd second: segundo
3rd third: terceiro
4th fourth: cuarto
5th fifth. Quinto
6th sixth: sexto
7th seventh: séptimo
8th eighth: oitavo
9th ninth: noveno
10th tenth: décimo
11th eleventh: undécimo
12th twelfth: duodécimo
13th thirteenth: décimo terceiro
14th fourteenth: décimo cuarto
15th fifteenth: décimo quinto
16th sixteenth: décimo sexto
17th sevententh: décimo séptimo
18th eighteenth: décimo oitavo
19th ninteenth: décimo noveno
20th twentieth: vixésimo
21st twenty-first: vixésimo primeiro
22nd twenty- second: vixésimo segundo
23rd twenty –third: vixésimo terceiro
24th twenty-fourth: vixésimo cuarto
25th twenty-fifth: vixésimo quinto
26th twenty-sixth: vixésimo sexto
27th twenty-seventh: vixésimo séptimo
28th twenty-eighth: vixésimo oitavo
29th twenty.ninth: vixésimo noveno
30th thritieth: trixésimo
31st thirty-first: trixésimo primeiro.

I was:eu era/estaba/fun/estiven
You were: ti eras/estabas/fuches/estiveches
He was:él era/estaba/foi/estivo
She was:ela era/estaba/foi/estivo
It was: iso era/estaba/foi/estivo
We were: nos eramos/estabamos/fomos/estivemos
You were: vos erades/estabades/fostes/estivestes
They were: eles eran/estaban/foron/estiveron.

I wasn´t: eu non era/estaba/fun/estiven
You weren´t: ti non eras/estabas/fuches/estiveches
He wasn´t: él non era/estaba/foi/estivo
She wasn´t: ela non era/estaba/foi/estivo
It wasn´t: iso non era/estaba/foi/estivo
We weren´t: nos non eramos /estabamos/fomos/estivemos
You weren´t: vos non erades/estabades/fostes/estivestes
They weren´t: eles non eran/estaban/foron/estiveron.

Was I…?:era/estaba/fun/estiven eu…?
Were you…?: eras/estabas/fuches/estiveches ti…?
Was he…?: era/estaba/foi/estivo él…?
Was she…?: era/estaba/foi/estivo ela…?
Was it…?: era/estaba/foi/estivo iso…?
Were we…?: eramos/estabamos/fomos/estivemos nos…?
Were you…? Erades/estabades/fostes/estivestes vos…?
Were they…?: eran/estaban/foron/estiveron eles…?

QUESTIONS: preguntas
Were you at school yesterday? No,I wasn´t: Estiveches ti na escola onte? Non,eu non estiven.
Was he a doctor when he was young? Yes, he was.:Foi él mèdico cando era xoven? Si, él foi.
Where were you in the morning? I was at home.: Ondes estiveches ti pola mañá? Eu estiven na casa.
When was she born? She was born in February.:Cándo naceu ela? Ela naceu en febreiro.

INTERROGATIVE PARTICLES: partículas interrogativas
What: qué/cal
When: cándo
Where: ónde
Who: quén
Why: por qué/ because: porque
Which: cál
How : cómo
How many: cántos
How much:cánto

REVIEW: repaso
PLACES: lugares
Park: parque
Supermarket: supermercado
Shop: tenda
School: escola
Library: biblioteca
Cinema: cinema
Theatre: teatro
Bank: banco
Sports centre: polideportivo
Swimming pool: piscina

MONTHS IN THE YEAR: meses do ano ( en inglés escríbense sempre con letra maiúscula)
 January: xaneiro
February: febrero
March: marzo
April: abril
May: mayo
June: xuño
August: agosto
September: setembro
October: outubro
November: novembro
December: decembro

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